The European Union Diplomatic Compound of Mogadishu, Somalia

The European Union Diplomatic Compound of Mogadishu, Somalia


In 2014, the European Union decided to re-establish a fully-fledged delegation in Somalia. The delegation was to be co-located with the European Union Delegation to Kenya. The European Union issued a tender for the construction of a highly secured compound in the Mogadishu Green Zone and its management for a period of 10 years.


The facility would need to accommodate up to 50 staff and also hold international conferences and official meetings. Housing and hosting such numbers would require the full range of daily needs and medical solutions.
Because of co-location, staff would regularly commute between Somalia and Kenya. These staff, as well as visitors and delegations, would require secure transportation.


The overall security situation in Mogadishu was quite poor, so the facility required comprehensive, high-level security and accessibility solutions. Supply chain proved another challenge for similar reasons.
Finally, due to shortages of suitable sites and limitations from the terrorist threat, it was decided that construction of a semi-permanent facility, using secure modular infrastructure would be the best solution.


Rapid won the tender in December 2015 with an offer meeting all of the EU’s needs and delivering a unique advantage: a single point of contact to manage all aspects of the project from day one.
The resulting compound is now the most secure and comfortable in Mogadishu’s “Green Zone”, offering high-level services, green energy generated on-site, and a welcoming environment where EU delegates can peacefully live and work for the next 10 years, despite being in one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

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